Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Talking about cleanliness

A couple of months ago (last July I think)  my hubby and I ate at TGI Friday's in Robinsons Galleria. We sat down on one of their couch table. While waiting for our order we saw some small cockroaches crawling on the wooden wall. Jonas wanted to squish it but when he was about to, several roaches came out from the wooden wall. We called their attention and asked of we can move to a new table. We sat on the next couch. We were already eating when I saw another cockroach creeping around. For the second time we call their attention. This time we sat down on a table near the glass wall. Thinking that no more roaches will be crossing our path since were away from the wooden wall. But we were wrong. We saw some small roaches lurking around our table. Lost appetite already and we decided to call the waiter. They were apologizing and the manager was explaining to us that last night they sprayed some insecticide. To make up for what happened they offered  free dessert. What the?!?! NO WAY!  How can we possibly eat there if there were so many small cockroaches creeping?! How sure were they that the food they will serve is still clean?! 

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